Prerequisite: None (may require passing a basic skills test in reading and math)
Open to: Juniors & Seniors
Length: Year
Dual Credit: NAS101
Certification: CPR, CNA ( Must maintain 80 percent in course work, attend 40 CACC clinical hours, and pass the state test)
Note: Must have flu shot to attend clinicals
The course is composed of a combination of subject matter and experiences designed to perform tasks of individuals receiving nursing services. The student learns those competencies needed to perform as a nurse assistant under the direction of the registered nurse. The units of instruction should include the role of the nurse assistant while covering general health care topics; medical terminology; patients /clients and their environment; special feeding techniques; psychological support and, in long-term and terminal illness, death and dying (e.g., chronically ill, children, new mothers, and so on); and all other basic nursing skills. Topics covered typically include normal growth and development; feeding, transporting patients, hygiene, and disease prevention; basic pharmacology; first aid and CPR; observing and reporting; care of equipment and supplies; doctor, nurse, and patient relationships and roles; procedure and policies; medical and professional ethics; and care of various kinds of patients. In order to have an approved nurse assistant program (one in which the students are eligible to sit for the certifying exam), the program must be approved by the Illinois Department of Public Health and meet all applicable requirements contained in 77 Illinois Administrative Code Part 395.